Covid-19 Pandemic has changed the world in many aspects, without exception changes the people’s behavior too. This situation compulsively makes digital technology grow up as fast as possible to fulfill what people need. Since digital technology never dies instead evolves gradually, I see this opportunity as a way to contribute. So, I decided to jump into the on-demand job, Digital Marketing, immediately.
It has been fourth months since I settled to shift my career path to digital marketing. I admitted that it was not an easy decision to make it happen, moreover for me, who is not a tech-savvy type of person. My educational background as an agriculture bachelor, which is not related to digital marketing, worsens my worries and pessimism. But after back and forth thinking, I decided to involve and take a risk-shifting my career path to digital marketing.
Then the first journey has begun with the portfolio thing. As long as I created my portfolio, I faced many obstacles that made me surrender sometimes. Instead of gave up, I fought my way back to pursue my dream job. Eventually, after walking on such a pebble road to establishing a portfolio, I utilized it as a weapon to leap forward.
On 15th March 2021, long story short, I remarked that I could join with bizlab team as a digital marketing intern. The more I learned about digital marketing, the more I realized that digital marketing itself is not about selling a product or reaching the goal either. More than that, digital marketing has taught me how to empathize with each other, build teamwork, nurture communication skills with the team, also leverage time management skills.
According to my internship job-desk, my team and I were challenged to handle a project within three months. The project itself is called bizlab series. If you are curious about the project, you can look at
Yet, I’m looking forward to the next stage. Cheers✨✨✨